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Input formats

It is also possible to read cases that have been set up in MRST (see setup_case_from_mrst and simulate_mrst_case) or from .DATA files (see setup_case_from_data_file and simulate_data_file)

MAT-files from the Matlab Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST)

Simulation of .MAT files

JutulDarcy.setup_case_from_mrst Function
setup_case_from_mrst("filename.mat"; kwarg...)

Set up a Jutul.JutulCase from a MRST-exported .mat file.

JutulDarcy.simulate_mrst_case Function
ws, states = simulate_mrst_case(file_name)
simulate_mrst_case(file_name; <keyword arguments>)

Simulate a MRST case from file_name as exported by writeJutulInput in MRST.


  • file_name::String: The path to a .mat or .data file that is to be simulated.

Keyword arguments

  • extra_outputs::Vector{Symbol} = [:Saturations]: Additional variables to output from the simulation.

  • write_output::Bool = true: Write output (in the default JLD2 format)

  • output_path = nothing: Directory for output files. Files will be written under this directory. Defaults to the folder of file_name.

  • write_mrst = true: Write MRST compatible output after completed simulation that can be read by readJutulOutput in MRST.

  • backend=:csc: choice of backend for linear systems. :csc for default Julia sparse, :csr for experimental parallel CSR.

  • verbose=true: print some extra information specific to this routine upon calling

  • nthreads=Threads.nthreads(): number of threads to use

  • linear_solver=:bicgstab: name of Krylov.jl solver to use, or :direct (for small cases only)

  • info_level=0: standard Jutul info_level. 0 for minimal printing, -1 for no printing, 1-5 for various levels of verbosity

Additional input arguments are passed onto, setup_case_from_mrst, setup_reservoir_simulator and simulator_config if applicable.


MRST-specific types

Jutul.MRSTWrapMesh Type
MRSTWrapMesh(G, N = nothing)

Mesh that adapts an exported MRST mesh to the Jutul interface. G is assumed to be read directly from file using MAT.matread. The raw exported grid can be found under the data field.


DATA-files from commercial reservoir modelling software

JutulDarcy can set up cases from Eclipse-type input files by making use of the GeoEnergyIO.jl package for parsing. This package is a direct dependency of JutulDarcy and these cases can be simulated directly. If you want to parse the input files and possibly modify them in your Julia session before the case is simulated, we refer you to the GeoEnergyIO Documentation.

If you want to directly simulate a file from disk, you can sue the high level functions that automatically parse the files for you:

JutulDarcy.simulate_data_file Function
simulate_data_file(inp; parse_arg = NamedTuple(), kwarg...)

Simulate standard input file (with extension .DATA). inp can either be the output from the GeoEnergyIO function parse_data_file or a String for the path of an input file with the .DATA extension.

Additional arguments are passed onto simulate_reservoir. Extra inputs to the parser can be sent as a setup_arg NamedTuple.

JutulDarcy.setup_case_from_data_file Function
case = setup_case_from_data_file(
    parse_arg = NamedTuple(),

case, data = setup_case_from_data_file(filename; include_data = true)

Set up a JutulCase from a standard input file (with extension .DATA). Additional arguments to the parser can be passed as key/values in a NamedTuple given as parse_arg. The optional input include_data=true will make the function return the parsed data in addition the case itself. Additional keyword arguments are passed on to setup_case_from_parsed_data.

JutulDarcy.setup_case_from_parsed_data Function
setup_case_from_parsed_data(datafile; skip_wells = false, simple_well = true, use_ijk_trans = true, verbose = false, kwarg...)

Set up a case from a parsed input file (in Dict format). Internal function, not exported. Use setup_case_from_data_file.

JutulDarcy.convert_co2store_to_co2_brine Function
convert_co2store_to_co2_brine(data; verbose = true)

Converts a CO2STORE data file to a co2-brine model. The conversion should be close to equivialent for models without salt. The data will be copied if modifications are necessary.


Reservoir simulator input files are highly complex and contain a great number of different keywords. JutulDarcy and GeoEnergyIO has extensive support for this format, but many keywords are missing or only partially supported. Sometimes cases can be made to run by removing keywords that do not impact simulation outcomes, or have very little impact. If you want a turnkey open source solution for simulation reservoir models you should also have a look at OPM Flow.

If you can share your input file or the missing keywords in the issues section it may be easier to figure out if a case can be supported.