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Getting started

Installing JutulDarcy

To get started with JutulDarcy, you must install the Julia programming language. We recommend the latest stable release, but at least version 1.9 is required. Julia uses environments to manage packages. If you are not familiar with this concept, we recommend the Pkg documentation.

Setting up an environment

To set up an environment you can create a folder and open Julia with that project as a runtime argument. The environment is persistent: If you start Julia in the same folder with the same project argument, the same packages will be installed. For this reason, it is sufficient to do this process once.

mkdir jutuldarcy_env
cd jutuldarcy_env
julia --project=.
using Pkg

You can then run any of the examples in the examples directory by including them. The examples are sorted by complexity. We suggest you start with Intro: Gravity segregation.

To generate a folder that contains the examples locally, you can run the following code to create a folder jutuldarcy_examples in your current working directory:

using JutulDarcy

Alternatively, a folder can be specified if you want the examples to be placed outside your present working directory:

using JutulDarcy
JutulDarcy.generate_jutuldarcy_examples Function
    pth = pwd(),
    name = "jutuldarcy_examples";
    makie = nothing,
    project = true,
    force = false

Make a copy of all JutulDarcy examples in pth in a subfolder jutuldarcy_examples. An error is thrown if the folder already exists, unless the force=true, in which case the folder will be overwritten and the existing contents will be permanently lost. If project=true, a Project.toml file will be generated with the same dependencies as that of the doc build system that contains everything needed to run the examples.

The makie argument allows replacing the calls to GLMakie in the examples with another backend specified by a String. There are no checks performed if the replacement is the name of a valid Makie backend.


Adding additional packages

We also rely heavily on the Jutul base package for some functionality, so we recommend that you also install it together with JutulDarcy:


If you want the plotting used in the examples, you need this:

Pkg.add("GLMakie") # 3D and interactive visualization

Some examples and functionaltiy also make use of additional packages:

Pkg.add("Optim") # Optimization library
Pkg.add("HYPRE") # Better linear solver
Pkg.add("GeoEnergyIO") # Parsing input files