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Driving forces

JutulDarcy.setup_reservoir_forces Function
setup_reservoir_forces(model; control = nothing, limits = nothing, set_default_limits = true, <keyword arguments>)

Set up driving forces for a reservoir model with wells


Source terms

JutulDarcy.SourceTerm Type
SourceTerm(cell, value; fractional_flow = [1.0], type = MassSource)

Create source term in given cell with given total value.

The optional fractional_flow argument controls how this term is divided over components if used for inflow and should contain one entry per component in the system: (number_of_components(system)). fractional_flow should sum up to 1.0. The type argument should be an instance of the FlowSourceType enum, with interpretations as follows:

  • MassSource: Source is directly interpreted as component masses.

  • StandardVolumeSource: Source is volume at standard/surface conditions. References densities are used to convert into mass sources.

  • VolumeSource: Source is volume at in-situ / reservoir conditions.


JutulDarcy.FlowSourceType Type

MassSource: Source is directly interpreted as component masses. StandardVolumeSource: Source is volume at standard/surface conditions. References densities are used to convert into mass sources. VolumeSource: Source is volume at in-situ / reservoir conditions.


Boundary conditions

JutulDarcy.FlowBoundaryCondition Type
temperature = 298.15;
fractional_flow = nothing,
density = nothing,
trans_flow = 1e-12,
trans_thermal = 1e-6

Dirchlet boundary condition for constant values (pressure/temperature) at some inflow boundary


JutulDarcy.flow_boundary_condition Function
flow_boundary_condition(cells, domain, pressures, temperatures = 298.15; kwarg...)

Add flow boundary conditions to a vector of cells for a given domain coming from reservoir_domain. The input arguments pressures and temperatures can either be scalars or one value per cell. Other keyword arguments are passed onto the FlowBoundaryCondition constructor.

The output of this function is a Vector of boundary conditions that can be passed on the form forces = setup_reservoir_forces(model, bc = bc).
