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Norne: Real field black-oil model

The Norne model is a real field model. The model has been adapted so that the input file only contains features present in JutulDarcy, with the most notable omissions being removal of hysteresis and threshold pressures between equilibriation reqgions. For more details, see the OPM data webpage

using Jutul, JutulDarcy, GLMakie, DelimitedFiles, HYPRE, GeoEnergyIO
norne_dir = GeoEnergyIO.test_input_file_path("NORNE_NOHYST")
data_pth = joinpath(norne_dir, "NORNE_NOHYST.DATA")
data = parse_data_file(data_pth)
case = setup_case_from_data_file(data);
F-4H completion: Removed COMPDAT as (36, 68, 17) is not active in processed mesh.
Rel. Perm. Scaling: Three-point scaling active.
Shutting D-1H: Well has no open perforations at step 137, shutting.
┌ Warning: Negative saturation in 215 cells for phase 2. Normalizing.
└ @ JutulDarcy ~/work/JutulDarcy.jl/JutulDarcy.jl/src/init/init.jl:787
Transmissibility: Replaced 2 non-finite half-transmissibilities (out of 267694, 0.0%) with zero.
Transmissibility: Replaced 2 non-finite half-transmissibilities (out of 267694, 0.0%) with zero.

Unpack the case to see basic data structures

model = case.model
parameters = case.parameters
forces = case.forces
dt = case.dt;

Plot the reservoir mesh, wells and faults

We compose a few different plotting calls together to make a plot that shows the outline of the mesh, the fault structures and the well trajectories.

import Jutul: plot_mesh_edges!
reservoir = reservoir_domain(model)
mesh = physical_representation(reservoir)
wells = get_model_wells(model)
fig = Figure(size = (1200, 800))
ax = Axis3(fig[1, 1], zreversed = true)
plot_mesh_edges!(ax, mesh, alpha = 0.5)
for (k, w) in wells
    plot_well!(ax, mesh, w)
plot_faults!(ax, mesh, alpha = 0.5)
ax.azimuth[] = -3.0
ax.elevation[] = 0.5

Plot the reservoir static properties in interactive viewer

fig = plot_reservoir(model, key = :porosity)
ax = fig.current_axis[]
plot_faults!(ax, mesh, alpha = 0.5)
ax.azimuth[] = -3.0
ax.elevation[] = 0.5

Simulate the model

ws, states = simulate_reservoir(case, output_substates = true)
ReservoirSimResult with 463 entries:

  wells (36 present):
    Results per well:
       :wrat => Vector{Float64} of size (463,)
       :Aqueous_mass_rate => Vector{Float64} of size (463,)
       :orat => Vector{Float64} of size (463,)
       :bhp => Vector{Float64} of size (463,)
       :lrat => Vector{Float64} of size (463,)
       :mass_rate => Vector{Float64} of size (463,)
       :rate => Vector{Float64} of size (463,)
       :Vapor_mass_rate => Vector{Float64} of size (463,)
       :control => Vector{Symbol} of size (463,)
       :Liquid_mass_rate => Vector{Float64} of size (463,)
       :grat => Vector{Float64} of size (463,)

  states (Vector with 463 entries, reservoir variables for each state)
    :Rv => Vector{Float64} of size (44417,)
    :BlackOilUnknown => Vector{BlackOilX{Float64}} of size (44417,)
    :Saturations => Matrix{Float64} of size (3, 44417)
    :Pressure => Vector{Float64} of size (44417,)
    :Rs => Vector{Float64} of size (44417,)
    :ImmiscibleSaturation => Vector{Float64} of size (44417,)
    :TotalMasses => Matrix{Float64} of size (3, 44417)

  time (report time for each state)
     Vector{Float64} of length 463

  result (extended states, reports)
     SimResult with 247 entries

     Dict{Any, Any} with keys :simulator, :config

  Completed at Oct. 01 2024 16:10 after 11 minutes, 16 seconds, 842.8 milliseconds.

Plot the reservoir solution

fig = plot_reservoir(model, states, step = 247, key = :Saturations)
ax = fig.current_axis[]
ax.azimuth[] = -3.0
ax.elevation[] = 0.5

Load reference and set up plotting

csv_path = joinpath(norne_dir, "REFERENCE.CSV")
data, header = readdlm(csv_path, ',', header = true)
time_ref = data[:, 1]
time_jutul = deepcopy(ws.time)
wells = deepcopy(ws.wells)
wnames = collect(keys(wells))
nw = length(wnames)
day = si_unit(:day)
cmap = :tableau_hue_circle

inj = Symbol[]
prod = Symbol[]
for (wellname, well) in pairs(wells)
    qts = well[:wrat] + well[:orat] + well[:grat]
    if sum(qts) > 0
        push!(inj, wellname)
        push!(prod, wellname)

function plot_well_comparison(response, well_names, reponse_name = "$response")
    fig = Figure(size = (1000, 400))
    if response == :bhp
        ys = 1/si_unit(:bar)
        yl = "Bottom hole pressure / Bar"
    elseif response == :wrat
        ys = si_unit(:day)
        yl = "Surface water rate / m³/day"
    elseif response == :grat
        ys = si_unit(:day)/1e6
        yl = "Surface gas rate / 10⁶ m³/day"
    elseif response == :orat
        ys = si_unit(:day)/(1000*si_unit(:stb))
        yl = "Surface oil rate / 10³ stb/day"
        error("$response not ready.")
    welltypes = []
    ax = Axis(fig[1:4, 1], xlabel = "Time / days", ylabel = yl)
    i = 1
    linehandles = []
    linelabels = []
    for well_name in well_names
        well = wells[well_name]
        label_in_csv = "$well_name:$response"
        ref_pos = findfirst(x -> x == label_in_csv, vec(header))
        qoi = copy(well[response]).*ys
        qoi_ref = data[:, ref_pos].*ys
        tot_rate = copy(well[:rate])
        @. qoi[tot_rate == 0] = NaN
        grat_ref = data[:, findfirst(x -> x == "$well_name:grat", vec(header))]
        orat_ref = data[:, findfirst(x -> x == "$well_name:orat", vec(header))]
        wrat_ref = data[:, findfirst(x -> x == "$well_name:wrat", vec(header))]
        tot_rate_ref = grat_ref + orat_ref + wrat_ref
        @. qoi_ref[tot_rate_ref == 0] = NaN
        crange = (1, max(length(well_names), 2))
        lh = lines!(ax, time_jutul./day, abs.(qoi),
            color = i,
            colorrange = crange,
            label = "$well_name", colormap = cmap
        push!(linehandles, lh)
        push!(linelabels, "$well_name")
        lines!(ax, time_ref./day, abs.(qoi_ref),
            color = i,
            colorrange = crange,
            linestyle = :dash,
            colormap = cmap
        i += 1
    l1 = LineElement(color = :black, linestyle = nothing)
    l2 = LineElement(color = :black, linestyle = :dash)

    Legend(fig[1:3, 2], linehandles, linelabels, nbanks = 3)
    Legend(fig[4, 2], [l1, l2], ["JutulDarcy.jl", "OPM Flow"])
plot_well_comparison (generic function with 2 methods)

Injector bhp

plot_well_comparison(:bhp, inj, "Bottom hole pressure")

Gas injection rates

plot_well_comparison(:grat, inj, "Gas surface injection rate")

Water injection rates

plot_well_comparison(:wrat, inj, "Water surface injection rate")

Producer bhp

plot_well_comparison(:bhp, prod, "Bottom hole pressure")

Oil production rates

plot_well_comparison(:orat, prod, "Oil surface production rate")

Gas production rates

plot_well_comparison(:grat, prod, "Gas surface production rate")

Example on GitHub

If you would like to run this example yourself, it can be downloaded from the JutulDarcy.jl GitHub repository as a script, or as a Jupyter Notebook

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