Secondary variables (properties)
Fluid systems
Relative permeabilities
JutulDarcy.BrooksCoreyRelativePermeabilities Type
sys_or_nph::Union{MultiPhaseSystem, Integer},
exponents = 1.0,
residuals = 0.0,
endpoints = 1.0
Secondary variable that implements the family of Brooks-Corey relative permeability functions. This is a simple analytical expression for relative permeabilities that has a limited number of parameters:
: Exponents for each phaseresiduals
: Residual saturations for each phaseendpoints
: Maximum relative permeability for each phaseresidual_total
: Total residual saturation over all phases
JutulDarcy.RelativePermeabilities Type
RelativePermeabilities((kr1, kr2, ...))
A simple relative permeability implementation. Assumes that each phase has a relative permeability on the form:
Supports multiple fluid regions through the regions
Single region:
kr1 = S -> S^2
kr2 = S -> S^3
kr = RelativePermeabilities((kr1, kr2))
Two regions:
kr1_reg1 = S -> S^2
kr2_reg1 = S -> S^3
kr1_reg2 = S -> S^3
kr2_reg2 = S -> S^4
regions # should be a vector with one entry that is 1 or 2 for each cell in the domain
kr = RelativePermeabilities(((kr1_reg1, kr2_reg1), (kr1_reg2, kr2_reg2)), regions = regions)
JutulDarcy.TabulatedSimpleRelativePermeabilities Type
TabulatedSimpleRelativePermeabilities(s::AbstractVector, kr::AbstractVector; regions::Union{AbstractVector, Nothing} = nothing, kwarg...)
Interpolated multiphase relative permeabilities that assumes that the relative permeability of each phase depends only on the phase saturation of that phase.
JutulDarcy.ReservoirRelativePermeabilities Type
w = nothing,
g = nothing,
ow = nothing,
og = nothing,
scaling = NoKrScale(),
regions = nothing
hysteresis_w = NoHysteresis(),
hysteresis_ow = NoHysteresis(),
hysteresis_og = NoHysteresis(),
hysteresis_g = NoHysteresis(),
hysteresis_s_threshold = 0.0,
hysteresis_s_eps = 1e-10
Relative permeability with advanced features for reservoir simulation. Includes features like rel. perm. endpoint scaling, connate water adjustment and separate phase pair relative permeabilites for the oil phase.
s = collect(range(0, 1, 100))
krw = PhaseRelativePermeability(s, s)
krog = PhaseRelativePermeability(s, s.^3)
kr_def = ReservoirRelativePermeabilities(krw = krw, krog = krog)
The ReservoirRelativePermeabilities
type also supports hysteresis for either phase.
JutulDarcy.NoHysteresis Type
Type to indicate that no hysteresis is active, and the drainage curve will always be used.
JutulDarcy.CarlsonHysteresis Type
Carlson's hysteresis model.
Note that this model requires an intersection between drainage and imbibition relative permeability that comes at some cost during simulation.
JutulDarcy.KilloughHysteresis Type
KilloughHysteresis(tol = 0.1, s_min = 0.0)
Killough hysteresis model. tol
is a parameter for numerical stability and s_min
a minimum threshold for when hysteresis is activated. Larger values for both of these parameters reduce numerical difficulties.
JutulDarcy.ImbibitionOnlyHysteresis Type
Type to indicate that the hysteresis does not make use of the drainage curve, and the imbibition curve will always be used.
JutulDarcy.PhaseRelativePermeability Type
PhaseRelativePermeability(s, k; label = :w, connate = s[1], epsilon = 1e-16)
Type that stores a sorted phase relative permeability table (given as vectors of equal length s
and k
Optionally, a label for the phase, the connate saturation and a small epsilon value used to avoid extrapolation can be specified. The return type holds both the table, the phase context, the autodetected critical and maximum relative permeability values and can be passed saturation values to evaluate the underlying function:
s = range(0, 1, 50)
k = s.^2
kr = PhaseRelativePermeability(s, k)
round(kr(0.5), digits = 2)
# output
Missing docstring.
Missing docstring for EndPointScalingCoefficients
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Phase viscosities
JutulDarcy.DeckPhaseViscosities Type
DeckPhaseViscosities(pvt, regions = nothing)
Secondary variable used to evaluate viscosities when a case is generated from a input file. Typically not instantiated in user scripts.
JutulDarcy.ConstMuBTable Type
ConstMuBTable(pvtw::M) where M<:AbstractVector
Create a constant viscosity and formation-volume-factor table from a vector. Typical usage is to wrap a PVTW type table generated from external software.
JutulDarcy.MuBTable Type
MuBTable(pvt, regions = nothing)
Table used to evaluate viscosities and shrinkage factors when a case is generated from a input file. Typically used to wrap tables (e.g. PVDG, PVDO) for use in simulation.
JutulDarcy.PhaseMassDensities Type
Abstract type representing the evaluation of mass density of each phase (i.e. units of mass per units of volume, for each cell in the model domain.)
Phase densities
JutulDarcy.DeckPhaseMassDensities Type
DeckPhaseMassDensities(pvt, regions = nothing)
Secondary variable used to evaluate densities when a case is generated from a input file. Typically not instantiated in user scripts.
Shrinkage factors
JutulDarcy.DeckShrinkageFactors Type
DeckShrinkageFactors(pvt, regions = nothing)
Secondary variable used to evaluate shrinkage factors when a case is generated from a input file. Typically not instantiated in user scripts.
JutulDarcy.ConstantCompressibilityDensities Type
sys_or_nph::Union{MultiPhaseSystem, Integer},
reference_pressure = 1.0,
reference_density = 0.0,
compressibility = 1.0
Secondary variable that implements a constant compressibility relationship for density. Given the reference pressure, compressibility and density at the reference pressure, each phase density can be computed as:
The constructor can take in either one value per phase or a single value for all phases for the reference pressure, compressibility and density at reference conditions.
: Reference pressure for each phase (where the reference densities are given)reference_densities
: Densities at the reference pointcompressibility
: Compressibility factor used when expanding around reference pressure, typically between 1e-3 and 1e-10
Black-oil flow
Compositional flow
JutulDarcy.PhaseMassFractions Type
Variable that defines the component mass fractions in a specific phase.
JutulDarcy.KValueWrapper Type
KValueWrapper(K; dependence::Symbol = :pT)
Create a wrapper for a K-value interpolator to be used with K-value flash.
The main purpose of this wrapper is to transform the general flash cond NamedTuple into the right arguments for multi-linear interpolation.
JutulDarcy.TotalMass Type
Variable that defines total mass of all components in each cell of the domain.