Primary variables
Fluid systems
JutulDarcy.Pressure Type
Pressure(; max_abs = nothing, max_rel = 0.2, scale = si_unit(:bar), maximum = Inf, minimum = DEFAULT_MINIMUM_PRESSURE)
Pressure variable definition. max_abs
maximum allowable absolute/relative change over a Newton iteration, scale
is a "typical" value used to regularize the linear system, maximum
the largest possible value and minimum
the smallest.
JutulDarcy.ImmiscibleSaturation Type
A single saturation variable that represents the "other" phase in a three phase compositional system where two phases are predicted by an EoS
Immiscible flow
JutulDarcy.Saturations Type
Saturations(; ds_max = 0.2)
Saturations as primary variable. ds_max
controls maximum allowable saturation change between two successive Newton iterations.
Black-oil flow
JutulDarcy.BlackOilUnknown Type
BlackOilUnknown(dr_max = Inf, ds_max = Inf)
Variable defining the variable switching black-oil variable. The ds_max
argument limits the maximum saturation change over a single Newton iteration when both a oileic and gaseous phase is present. The dr_max
limits the maximum change in the undersaturated variable, taken relative to the maximum value of the undersaturated variable.
During simulation, this variable can take on the following interpretations: Gas saturation, Rs or Rv, depending on the phase conditions and miscibility model.
JutulDarcy.BlackOilX Type
BlackOilX(sys::BlackOilVariableSwitchingSystem, p; sw = 0.0, so = 0.0, sg = 0.0, rs = 0.0, rv = 0.0, region = 1)
High level initializer for the black oil unknown degree of freedom. Will try to fill in the gaps unless system is really underspecified.
Compositional flow
JutulDarcy.OverallMoleFractions Type
OverallMoleFractions(;dz_max = 0.2)
Overall mole fractions definition for compositional. dz_max
is the maximum allowable change in any composition during a single Newton iteration.
JutulDarcy.TotalMassFlux Type
TotalMassFlux(scale = si_unit(:day), max_abs = nothing, max_rel = nothing)
Variable normally used as primary variable. Represents the total mass flux going through a face. The typical usage is the mass flow through a segment of a MultiSegmentWell
Note that the flow direction can often switch signs over a segment during a complex simulation. Setting max_rel
to something other than nothing
can therefore lead to severe convergence issues in the case of flow reversal.
Fields (as keyword arguments)
: Scaling for variablemax_abs
: Max absolute change between Newton iterationsmax_rel
: Maximum relative change between Newton iterations
WellGroup / Facility
JutulDarcy.TotalSurfaceMassRate Type
TotalSurfaceMassRate(max_absolute_change = nothing, max_relative_change = nothing)
Variable, typically representing the primary variable for a WellGroup
. The variable is a single entry per well and solves for the total surface mass rate from a well to the facility model.