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Quarter-five-spot example

The quarter-five-spot is a standard test problem that simulates 1/4 of the five spot well pattern by assuming axial symmetry. The problem contains an injector in one corner and the producer in the opposing corner, with a significant volume of fluids injected into the domain.

using JutulDarcy, Jutul
nx = 50


We define a function that, for a given porosity field, computes a solution with an estimated permeability field. For assumptions and derivation of the specific form of the Kozeny-Carman relation used in this example, see Lie, Knut-Andreas. An introduction to reservoir simulation using MATLAB/GNU Octave: User guide for the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST). Cambridge University Press, 2019, Section 2.5.2

function perm_kozeny_carman(Φ)
    return ((Φ^3)*(1e-5)^2)/(0.81*72*(1-Φ)^2);

function simulate_qfs(porosity = 0.2)
    Dx = 1000.0
    Dz = 10.0
    Darcy = 9.869232667160130e-13
    Darcy, bar, kg, meter, Kelvin, day, sec = si_units(:darcy, :bar, :kilogram, :meter, :Kelvin, :day, :second)

    mesh = CartesianMesh((nx, nx, 1), (Dx, Dx, Dz))
    K = perm_kozeny_carman.(porosity)
    domain = reservoir_domain(mesh, permeability = K, porosity = porosity)
    Inj = setup_vertical_well(domain, 1, 1, name = :Injector);
    Prod = setup_vertical_well(domain, nx, nx, name = :Producer);
    phases = (LiquidPhase(), VaporPhase())
    rhoLS = 1000.0*kg/meter^3
    rhoGS = 700.0*kg/meter^3
    rhoS = [rhoLS, rhoGS]
    sys = ImmiscibleSystem(phases, reference_densities = rhoS)
    model, parameters = setup_reservoir_model(domain, sys, wells = [Inj, Prod])
    c = [1e-6/bar, 1e-6/bar]
    ρ = ConstantCompressibilityDensities(p_ref = 150*bar, density_ref = rhoS, compressibility = c)
    kr = BrooksCoreyRelativePermeabilities(sys, [2.0, 2.0])
    replace_variables!(model, PhaseMassDensities = ρ, RelativePermeabilities = kr);

    state0 = setup_reservoir_state(model, Pressure = 150*bar, Saturations = [1.0, 0.0])
    dt = repeat([30.0]*day, 12*10)
    dt = vcat([0.1, 1.0, 10.0], dt)
    inj_rate = Dx*Dx*Dz*0.2/sum(dt) # 1 PVI if average porosity is 0.2

    rate_target = TotalRateTarget(inj_rate)
    I_ctrl = InjectorControl(rate_target, [0.0, 1.0], density = rhoGS)
    bhp_target = BottomHolePressureTarget(50*bar)
    P_ctrl = ProducerControl(bhp_target)
    controls = Dict()
    controls[:Injector] = I_ctrl
    controls[:Producer] = P_ctrl
    forces = setup_reservoir_forces(model, control = controls)
    return simulate_reservoir(state0, model, dt, parameters = parameters, forces = forces, info_level = -1)
simulate_qfs (generic function with 2 methods)

Simulate base case

This will give the solution with uniform porosity of 0.2.

ws, states, report_time = simulate_qfs()
ReservoirSimResult with 123 entries:

  wells (2 present):
    Results per well:
       :Vapor_mass_rate => Vector{Float64} of size (123,)
       :lrat => Vector{Float64} of size (123,)
       :orat => Vector{Float64} of size (123,)
       :control => Vector{Symbol} of size (123,)
       :bhp => Vector{Float64} of size (123,)
       :Liquid_mass_rate => Vector{Float64} of size (123,)
       :mass_rate => Vector{Float64} of size (123,)
       :rate => Vector{Float64} of size (123,)
       :grat => Vector{Float64} of size (123,)
       :gor => Vector{Float64} of size (123,)

  states (Vector with 123 entries, reservoir variables for each state)
    :Saturations => Matrix{Float64} of size (2, 2500)
    :Pressure => Vector{Float64} of size (2500,)
    :TotalMasses => Matrix{Float64} of size (2, 2500)

  time (report time for each state)
     Vector{Float64} of length 123

  result (extended states, reports)
     SimResult with 123 entries

     Dict{Any, Any} with keys :simulator, :config

  Completed at Oct. 15 2024 11:10 after 2 seconds, 517 milliseconds, 484.6 microseconds.

Plot the solution of the base case

We observe a radial flow pattern initially, before coning occurs near the producer well once the fluid has reached the opposite corner. The uniform permeability and porosity gives axial symmetry at x=y.

using GLMakie
to_2d(x) = reshape(vec(x), nx, nx)
get_sat(state) = to_2d(state[:Saturations][2, :])
nt = length(report_time)
fig = Figure()
h = nothing
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
h = contourf!(ax, get_sat(states[nt÷3]))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 2])
h = contourf!(ax, get_sat(states[nt]))
Colorbar(fig[1, end+1], h)

Create 10 realizations

We create a small set of realizations of the same model, with porosity that is uniformly varying between 0.05 and 0.3. This is not especially sophisticated geostatistics - for a more realistic approach, take a look at GeoStats.jl. The main idea is to get significantly different flow patterns as the porosity and permeability changes.

N = 10
saturations = []
wells = []
report_step = nt
for i = 1:N
    poro = 0.05 .+ 0.25*rand(Float64, (nx*nx))
    ws, states, rt = simulate_qfs(poro)
    push!(wells, ws)
    push!(saturations, get_sat(states[report_step]))
┌ Warning: Assignment to `ws` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `ws` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local ws` to suppress this warning or `global ws` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @
┌ Warning: Assignment to `states` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `states` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local states` to suppress this warning or `global states` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @

Plot the oil rate at the producer over the ensemble

using Statistics
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
for i = 1:N
    ws = wells[i]
    q = -ws[:Producer][:orat]
    lines!(ax, report_time, q)
xlims!(ax, [mean(report_time), report_time[end]])
ylims!(ax, 0, 0.0075)

Plot the average saturation over the ensemble

avg = mean(saturations)
fig = Figure()
h = nothing
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
h = contourf!(ax, avg)

Plot the isocontour lines over the ensemble

fig = Figure()
h = nothing
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
for s in saturations
    contour!(ax, s, levels = 0:0.1:1)

Example on GitHub

If you would like to run this example yourself, it can be downloaded from the JutulDarcy.jl GitHub repository as a script, or as a Jupyter Notebook

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