Simulating Eclipse/DATA input files
The DATA format is commonly used in reservoir simulation. JutulDarcy can set up cases on this format and includes a fully featured grid builder for corner-point grids. Once a case has been set up, it uses the same types as a regular JutulDarcy simulation, allowing modification and use of the case in differentiable workflows.
We begin by loading the SPE9 dataset via the GeoEnergyIO package.
using JutulDarcy, GeoEnergyIO
pth = GeoEnergyIO.test_input_file_path("SPE9", "SPE9.DATA")
Set up and run a simulation
If we do not need the case, we could also have done: ws, states = simulate_data_file(pth)
case = setup_case_from_data_file(pth)
ws, states = simulate_reservoir(case)
ReservoirSimResult with 90 entries:
wells (26 present):
Results per well:
:wrat => Vector{Float64} of size (90,)
:Aqueous_mass_rate => Vector{Float64} of size (90,)
:orat => Vector{Float64} of size (90,)
:bhp => Vector{Float64} of size (90,)
:gor => Vector{Float64} of size (90,)
:lrat => Vector{Float64} of size (90,)
:mass_rate => Vector{Float64} of size (90,)
:rate => Vector{Float64} of size (90,)
:Vapor_mass_rate => Vector{Float64} of size (90,)
:control => Vector{Symbol} of size (90,)
:Liquid_mass_rate => Vector{Float64} of size (90,)
:wcut => Vector{Float64} of size (90,)
:grat => Vector{Float64} of size (90,)
states (Vector with 90 entries, reservoir variables for each state)
:BlackOilUnknown => Vector{BlackOilX{Float64}} of size (9000,)
:Saturations => Matrix{Float64} of size (3, 9000)
:Pressure => Vector{Float64} of size (9000,)
:Rs => Vector{Float64} of size (9000,)
:ImmiscibleSaturation => Vector{Float64} of size (9000,)
:TotalMasses => Matrix{Float64} of size (3, 9000)
time (report time for each state)
Vector{Float64} of length 90
result (extended states, reports)
SimResult with 90 entries
Dict{Any, Any} with keys :simulator, :config
Completed at Oct. 15 2024 11:10 after 16 seconds, 430 milliseconds, 630.1 microseconds.
Show the input data
The input data takes the form of a Dict:
Dict{String, Any} with 6 entries:
"RUNSPEC" => OrderedDict{String, Any}("TITLE"=>"SPE 9", "DIMENS"=>[24, 25, 1…
"GRID" => OrderedDict{String, Any}("cartDims"=>(24, 25, 15), "CURRENT_BOX…
"PROPS" => OrderedDict{String, Any}("PVTW"=>Any[[2.48211e7, 1.0034, 4.3511…
"SUMMARY" => OrderedDict{String, Any}()
"SCHEDULE" => Dict{String, Any}("STEPS"=>OrderedDict{String, Any}[OrderedDict…
"SOLUTION" => OrderedDict{String, Any}("EQUIL"=>Any[[2753.87, 2.48211e7, 3032…
We can also examine the for example RUNSPEC section, which is also represented as a Dict.
OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{String, Any} with 13 entries:
"TITLE" => "SPE 9"
"DIMENS" => [24, 25, 15]
"OIL" => true
"WATER" => true
"GAS" => true
"DISGAS" => true
"FIELD" => true
"START" => DateTime("2015-01-01T00:00:00")
"WELLDIMS" => [26, 5, 1, 26, 5, 10, 5, 4, 3, 0, 1, 1, 10, 201]
"TABDIMS" => [1, 1, 40, 20, 1, 20, 20, 1, 1, -1 … -1, 10, 10, 10, -1, 5, 5…
"EQLDIMS" => [1, 100, 50, 1, 50]
"UNIFIN" => true
"UNIFOUT" => true
Plot the simulation model
These plot are interactive when run outside of the documentations.
using GLMakie
plot_reservoir(case.model, states)
Plot the well responses
We can plot the well responses (rates and pressures) in an interactive viewer.
Plot the field responses
Similar to the wells, we can also plot field-wide measurables. We plot the field gas production rate and the average pressure as the initial selection.
plot_reservoir_measurables(case, ws, states, left = :fgpr, right = :pres)
Example on GitHub
If you would like to run this example yourself, it can be downloaded from the JutulDarcy.jl GitHub repository as a script, or as a Jupyter Notebook
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