High-level docstrings
This section lists the main interfaces for interacting with codes that use Jutul as their foundation.
Setting up models
— TypeSimulationModel(domain, system; <kwarg>)
Instantiate a model for a given system
discretized on the domain
SimulationModel(g::JutulMesh, system; discretization = nothing, kwarg...)
Type that defines a simulation model - everything needed to solve the discrete equations.
The minimal setup requires a JutulMesh
that defines topology together with a JutulSystem
that imposes physical laws.
— TypeMultiModel(models)
MultiModel(models, :SomeLabel)
A model variant that is made up of many named submodels, each a fully realized SimulationModel
should be a NamedTuple
or Dict{Symbol, JutulModel}
Model API Getters
— Functionget_secondary_variables(model::SimulationModel)
Get the secondary variable definitions (as OrderedDict
) for a given model
Secondary variables are variables that can be computed from the primary variables together with the parameters.
— Functionget_primary_variables(model::SimulationModel)
Get the primary variable definitions (as OrderedDict
) for a given model
Primary variables are sometimes referred to as solution variables or primary unknowns. The set of primary variables completely determines the state of the system together with the parameters
— Functionget_parameters(model::SimulationModel)
Get the parameter definitions (as OrderedDict
) for a given model
Parameters are defined as static values in a forward simulation that combine with the primary variables to compute secondary variables and model equations.
— Functionget_variables(model::SimulationModel)
Get all variable definitions (as OrderedDict
) for a given model
This is the union of get_secondary_variables
and get_primary_variables
— Functionset_secondary_variables!(model, varname = vardef)
set_secondary_variables!(model, varname1 = vardef1, varname2 = vardef2)
Set a secondary variable with name varname
to the definition vardef
(adding if it does not exist)
— Functionset_primary_variables!(model, varname = vardef)
set_primary_variables!(model, varname1 = vardef1, varname2 = vardef2)
Set a primary variable with name varname
to the definition vardef
(adding if it does not exist)
— Functionset_parameters!(model, parname = pardef)
Set a parameter with name varname
to the definition vardef
(adding if it does not exist)
— FunctionTotal number of degrees of freedom for a model, over all primary variables and all entities.
— FunctionTotal number of values for a model, for a given type of variables over all entities
Systems and domains
— TypeAbstract type for the physical system to be solved.
— TypeAbstract type for the context Jutul should execute in (matrix formats, memory allocation, etc.)
— TypeAbstract type for domains where equations can be defined
— TypeDiscretizedDomain(domain, disc = nothing)
A type for a discretized domain of some other domain or mesh. May contain one or more discretizations as-needed to write equations.
— TypeAbstract type for a Jutul discretization
Grids/meshes and geometry
— TypeA mesh is a type of domain that has been discretized. Abstract subtype.
— TypeCartesianMesh(dims, [Δ, [origin]])
Create a Cartesian mesh with dimensions specified by the Tuple
: Number of grid cells in each direction. For example,(nx, ny)
will give a 2D grids withnx
cells in the x-direction.Δ::Tuple=Tuple(ones(length(dims)))
: Equal length todims
. First option: A
of scalars where each entry is the length of each cell in that direction. For example, specifying (Δx, Δy) for a uniform grid with each grid cell having area of
Δx*Δy. Second option: A
Tuple` of vectors where each entry contains the cell sizes in the direction.
: The origin of the first corner in the grid.
Generate a uniform 3D mesh that discretizes a domain of 2 by 3 by 5 units with 3 by 5 by 2 cells:
julia> CartesianMesh((3, 5, 2), (2.0, 3.0, 5.0))
CartesianMesh (3D) with 3x5x2=30 cells
Generate a non-uniform 2D mesh:
julia> CartesianMesh((2, 3), ([1.0, 2.0], [0.1, 3.0, 2.5]))
CartesianMesh (2D) with 2x3x1=6 cells
— TypeTwoPointFiniteVolumeGeometry(neighbors, areas, volumes, normals, cell_centers, face_centers)
Store two-point geometry information for a given list of neighbors
specified as a 2
by n
matrix where n
is the number of faces such that face i
connectes cells N[1, i]
and N[2, i]
The two-point finite-volume geometry contains the minimal set of geometry information required to compute standard finite-volume discretizations.
— Functiontpfv_geometry(g)
Generate two-point finite-volume geometry for a given grid, if supported.
See also TwoPointFiniteVolumeGeometry
— Functionnumber_of_cells(D::Union{DataDomain, DiscretizedDomain})
Get the number of cells in a DataDomain
or DiscretizedDomain
Get the number of cells in a mesh.
Set up of system
— Functionsetup_state(model::JutulModel, name1 = value1, name2 = value2)
Set up a state for a given model with values for the primary variables defined in the model. Normally all primary variables must be initialized in this way.
: The name of the primary variable together with the value(s) used to initialize the primary variable.
A scalar (or short vector of the right size for VectorVariables
) will be repeated over the entire domain, while a vector (or matrix for VectorVariables
) with length (number of columns for VectorVariables
) equal to the entity count (for example, number of cells for a cell variable) will be used directly.
Note: You likely want to overload [setup_state!
]@ref for a custom model instead of setup_state
— Functionsetup_parameters(model::JutulModel; name = value)
Set up a parameter storage for a given model with values for the parameter defined in the model.
: The name of the parameter together with the value(s) of the parameter.
A scalar (or short vector of the right size for VectorVariables
) will be repeated over the entire domain, while a vector (or matrix for VectorVariables
) with length (number of columns for VectorVariables
) equal to the entity count (for example, number of cells for a cell variable) will be used directly.
— Functionstate, prm = setup_state_and_parameters(model, init)
Simultaneously set up state and parameters from a single init
file (typically a Dict
containing values that might either be initial values or parameters)
— Functionsetup_forces(model::JutulModel; force_name = force_value)
Set up forces for a given model. Keyword arguments varies depending on what the model supports.
Simulator interfaces
Used to run simulations once a model has been set up.
— Functionsimulate(state0, model, timesteps, parameters = setup_parameters(model))
simulate(state0, model, timesteps, info_level = 3)
simulate(state0, model, timesteps; <keyword arguments>)
Simulate a set of timesteps
with model
for the given initial state0
and optionally specific parameters. Additional keyword arguments are passed onto simulator_config
and simulate!
. This interface is primarily for convenience, as all storage for the simulator is allocated upon use and discared upon return. If you want to perform multiple simulations with the same model it is advised to instead instantiate Simulator
and combine it with simulate!
: initial state, typically created usingsetup_state
for themodel
in use.model::JutulModel
: model that describes the discretized system to solve, for exampleSimulationModel
: Vector of desired report steps. The simulator will perform time integration untilsum(timesteps)
is reached, providing outputs at the end of each report step.parameters=setup_parameters(model)
: Optional overrides the default parameters for the model.forces=nothing
: Eithernothing
(for no forces), a single set of forces fromsetup_forces(model)
or aVector
of such forces with equal length totimesteps
: If an integer is provided, the simulation will attempt to restart from that step. Requires thatoutput_path
is provided here or in theconfig
: ConfigurationDict
that holds many fine grained settings for output, linear solver, time-steps, outputs etc.
Additional arguments are passed onto simulator_config
See also simulate!
, Simulator
, SimulationModel
, simulator_config
simulate(state0, sim::JutulSimulator, timesteps::AbstractVector; parameters = nothing, kwarg...)
Simulate a set of timesteps
with simulator
for the given initial state0
and optionally specific parameters.
— Functionsimulate!(sim::JutulSimulator, timesteps::AbstractVector;
forces = nothing,
config = nothing,
initialize = true,
restart = nothing,
state0 = nothing,
parameters = nothing,
Non-allocating (or perhaps less allocating) version of simulate!
: Perform internal updates as if this is the first time
See also simulate
for additional supported input arguments.
— Functionsolve_timestep!(sim, dT, forces, max_its, config; <keyword arguments>)
Internal function for solving a single time-step with fixed driving forces.
: time-step to be solvedforces
: Driving forces for the time-stepmax_its
: Maximum number of steps/Newton iterations.config
: Configuration for solver (typically output fromsimulator_config
Note: This function is exported for fine-grained simulation workflows. The general simulate
interface is both easier to use and performs additional validation.
Configure a simulator:
— TypeSimulator(model; <kwarg>)
Set up a simulator object for a model
that can be used by simulate!
. To avoid manually instantiating the simulator, the non-mutating simulate
interface can be used instead.
— Functionsimulator_config(sim; info_level = 3, linear_solver = GenericKrylov())
Set up a simulator configuration object that can be passed onto simulate!
There are many options available to configure a given simulator. The best way to get an overview of these possible configuration options is to instatiate the config without any arguments and inspecting the resulting table by calling simulator_config(sim)
in the REPL.
— TypeJutulConfig(name = nothing)
A configuration object that acts like a Dict{Symbol,Any}
but contains additional data to limit the valid keys and values to those added by add_option!
— Functionadd_option!(opts::JutulConfig, :my_cool_option, 3, "My option has this brief description")
Add an option to existing JutulConfig
structure. Additional currently undocumented keyword arguments can be used to restrict valid types and values.
Sensitivities, adjoints and optimization
— Functionsolve_adjoint_sensitivities(model, states, reports_or_timesteps, G; extra_timing = false, state0 = setup_state(model), forces = setup_forces(model), raw_output = false, kwarg...)
Compute sensitivities of model
parameter with name target
for objective function G
The objective function is at the moment assumed to be a sum over all states on the form: obj = Σₙ G(model, state, dt_n, n, forces_for_step_n)
Solves the adjoint equations: For model equations F the gradient with respect to parameters p is ∇ₚG = Σₙ (∂Fₙ / ∂p)ᵀ λₙ where n ∈ [1, N]. Given Lagrange multipliers λₙ from the adjoint equations (∂Fₙ / ∂xₙ)ᵀ λₙ = - (∂J / ∂xₙ)ᵀ - (∂Fₙ₊₁ / ∂xₙ)ᵀ λₙ₊₁ where the last term is omitted for step n = N and G is the objective function.
— Functionsolve_adjoint_sensitivities!(∇G, storage, states, state0, timesteps, G; forces = setup_forces(model))
Non-allocating version of solve_adjoint_sensitivities
— Functionsolve_numerical_sensitivities(model, states, reports, G, target;
forces = setup_forces(model),
state0 = setup_state(model),
parameters = setup_parameters(model),
epsilon = 1e-8)
Compute sensitivities of model
parameter with name target
for objective function G
This method uses numerical perturbation and is primarily intended for testing of solve_adjoint_sensitivities
— Functionsetup_parameter_optimization(model, state0, param, dt, forces, G, opt_cfg = optimization_config(model, param);
grad_type = :adjoint,
config = nothing,
print = 1,
copy_case = true,
param_obj = false,
Set up function handles for optimizing the case defined by the inputs to simulate
together with a per-timestep objective function G
Generally calling either of the functions will mutate the data Dict. The options are: Fo(x) -> evaluate objective dFo(dFdx, x) -> evaluate gradient of objective, mutating dFdx (may trigger evaluation of Fo) Fand_dF(F, dFdx, x) -> evaluate F and/or dF. Value of nothing will mean that the corresponding entry is skipped.
Linear solvers
— TypeGenericKrylov(solver = :gmres; preconditioner = nothing; <kwarg>)
Solver that wraps Krylov.jl
with support for preconditioning.
— TypeLUSolver(; reuse_memory = true, check = true, max_size = 50000)
Direct solver that calls lu
directly. Direct solvers are highly accurate, but are costly in terms of memory usage and execution speed for larger systems.
— TypeAMG on CPU (Julia native)
— TypeILU(0) preconditioner on CPU
— TypeDamped Jacobi preconditioner on CPU
— TypeSparse Approximate Inverse preconditioner of lowest order – SPAI(0)
— TypeFull LU factorization as preconditioner (intended for smaller subsystems)
— TypeMulti-model preconditioners
Execution contexts
— TypeDefault context
— TypeA context that uses a CSR sparse matrix format together with threads. Experimental.