resdata extension: Dealing with summary, restart and egrid files

Input and output using resdata package

The Python package resdata developed by Equinor can be loaded to add support for reading summary files (sparse data), egrid (processed grid), init (initial conditions) and restart (cell-wise results).

resdata is GPL-3.0 licensed

The resdata package is under a different license than GeoEnergyIO which uses MIT. The licenses are compatible, but a distributed product that contains resdata must comply with the terms of the GPL license.

To add support for this extension, you have to add PythonCall to your environment (one-time operation):

using Pkg

Afterwards, you can then load the package to get access to the new functions:

using PythonCall

Reading output

restart = read_restart(fn)
restart, raw_restart = read_restart(fn, extra_out = true)

Read a restart file from fn. This should be the base path (i.e. without the .RSRT extension). The results are given as a Vector of Dicts.

Keyword arguments

  • extra_out: If true, return the raw Python object as well as the parsed data. Default is false.
  • actnum=missing: ACTNUM array that can be used to reduce the outputs to the active cells.
  • egrid=missing: EGRID object needed to read the restarts. Will be read from the same path as fn if not provided.


This function requires the resdata Python package to be installed, which will be automatically added to your environment if you first install PythonCall and put using PythonCall in your script or REPL.

The main class to lookup on the Python side of things is ResdataRestartFile.

init = read_init(fn)
init, raw_init = read_init(fn, extra_out = true)

Read a init file from fn. This should be the base path (i.e. without the .RSRT extension). The results are given as a Dict.

Keyword arguments

  • extra_out: If true, return the raw Python object as well as the parsed data. Default is false.
  • actnum=missing: ACTNUM array that can be used to reduce the outputs to the active cells.


This function requires the resdata Python package to be installed, which will be automatically added to your environment if you first install PythonCall and put using PythonCall in your script or REPL.

The main class to lookup on the Python side of things is ResdataFile.

egrid = read_egrid(pth)
egrid, raw_egrid = read_egrid(pth, extra_out = true)

Read the EGRID file from pth. The results are given as a Dict and can be passed further on to mesh_from_grid_section to construct a Jutul mesh.


This function requires the resdata Python package to be installed, which will be automatically added to your environment if you first install PythonCall and put using PythonCall in your script or REPL.

Uses primarily resdata.grid.Grid.

summary = read_summary(pth)
summary, raw_summary = read_summary(pth, extra_out = true)

Read the SUMMARY file from pth. The results are given as a Dict.


This function requires the resdata Python package to be installed, which will be automatically added to your environment if you first install PythonCall and put using PythonCall in your script or REPL.

Uses primarily resdata.summary.Summary.


Writing output

Experimental features

Writing files is currently highly experimental. Not all fields are properly set in summary files (e.g. units).

write_egrid(case::JutulCase, pth)

Write an EGRID file from a JutulCase from JutulDarcy.jl. This is a convenience function that will extract the reservoir domain and input data from the case. It is assumed that the case has been set up from a data file so that the mesh matches the GRID section.

write_egrid(reservoir::DataDomain, data::Dict, pth)

Write EGRID from a reservoir/DataDomain from JutulDarcy.jl that has been constructed from a data file.

write_egrid(G::UnstructuredMesh, data::Dict, pth)

Write EGRID from UnstructuredMesh that was constructed from the GRID section of the data file.

write_egrid(data::AbstractDict, pth)

Write EGRID from a Dict that has been parsed from a data file. Can be either the GRID section or the full data file.
